We’ve upgraded to the complete Books24x7 collection, and now have access to:
- EngineeringPro (4,100+ eBooks from over 100 publishers) NEW
- FinancePro (1,800+ eBooks from 84 publishers) NEW
- Leadership Channel (3,500+ videos and 5-6 Live Events per year) NEW
- New Skillsoft Business Book Summaries (400+ popular business book summaries) NEW
- BusinessPro (11,000+ eBooks from 260 publishers)
- ITPro (14,000+ eBooks from 250+ publishers)
- IT & Digital Skills (41,000+ instructional videos from certified industry experts)
NOTE: Access to Books24x7 requires a CCID login and individual registration. Also, the database name has changed to Skillsoft Books, but we will not be migrating to the new Skillsoft platform until they work out some technical issues.