Ontario University Libraries openly release over seven decades of historical public opinion polls

From OCUL:

Ontario university libraries are pleased to announce the release of over seven decades of important public opinion data to the broader academic community and the public.
Included in the collection are the historical Canadian Gallup polls, covering the years 1945 to 2000, held at the Carleton University MacOdrum Library, and now available for open research reuse via the ODESI data portal (http://odesi.ca). Additional polling collections that have been made available include the Canadian Opinion Research Archive (CORA) at Queen’s University, Angus Reid, IPSOS Reid, Leger Marketing, and IPSOS Canada at Wilfrid Laurier University. Together these opinion polls provide a rich historical resource for researchers across Canada and the world, covering topics such as Canadian politics, government, elections, culture, sports, the environment, health care, social and economic policy, education, and much more. Geographic coverage of the collection spans every Province and Territory, supporting national research, regional, and international comparisons.

Visit the ODESI Guide to Canadian Public Opinion Polls for all the details.