New! Five Oxford Handbooks Online subject collections

We’re delighted to let you know that we’ve purchased five subject collections in Oxford Handbooks Online: History, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology. The platform is in the databases A-Z list, and the Handbooks appear in the catalogue. Please spend some time with this exciting new resource and consider incorporating it into your public service, teaching, and LibGuides.

The Oxford Handbooks Online series contains in-depth, high-level articles by scholars at the top of their field. Each Handbook offers thorough introductions to topics and a critical survey of the current state of scholarship. Handbook articles review key issues and debates, as well as providing arguments for how those debates might evolve.The University of Alberta Libraries now provide access to five collections:         

History Collection (47 Handbooks)
Philosophy Collection (87 Handbooks)
Psychology Collection (184 Handbooks)
Political Science Collection (97 Handbooks)
Sociology Collection (12 Handbooks)

You’ll see when you land in the platform that there is a horizontal menu listing all of the subject modules on the platform. If you click any of the above 5, you can browse the content by article or by book. You can share direct links to an article or to a book.
Please enjoy, and share!