Now available! Indigenous peoples atlas of Canada giant floor map

As you may have heard, the UAL collection now contains the Indigenous peoples atlas of Canada giant floor map. This map has even been featured on the news, and it is indeed giant. Its home is RCRF. It does circulate, but must be requested using the RCRF Request Form.

For more information, please consult the photo tour of the map and the larger kit that contains it: [link]
You may also be interested in viewing the catalogue record, which provides more details: [link]
Adding this map to the collection was an effort requiring collaboration among colleagues across the library system, including in public services, access services, cataloguing, CSU, and last but definitely not least, processing. Thanks, everyone!
As you’ll see from the photo tour, the map is heavy, and it’s big. These are important facts to note for users who are inquiring about it. You may wish to encourage borrowers to have the help of friend(s) when moving the map.