Pearson announces it’s phasing out print US textbooks

As you know, in CSU, we do buy some print textbooks from Pearson, both as part of the textbook lending program, and as regular additions to the collection. Pearson has just announced that it will phase out print textbook publishing. Details are scant at this point, but it appears that Pearson will gradually phase out print, and update only the digital versions of its textbooks.

We don’t know yet whether Pearson’s digital textbooks will be available for libraries to purchase. We’ll keep you posted, and meanwhile, some additional details are available in these stories:

With this news, there may be opportunities to advocate for, and raise awareness of, Open Educational Resources, and also to advise teaching colleagues on other library resources for classroom use. For more info, please get in touch anytime (and contact Michelle Brailey about OERs!).