New collection of Chinese Newspapers available on Global Press Archive

As Charter members of the Center for Research Libraries’ Global Press Archive (GPA), we are pleased to announce that the first GPA collection has been launched: Late Qing and Republican-Era Chinese Newspapers.This is an open access collection hosted on the East View platform. Newspaper titles and coverage dates can be found here. The collection, ultimately comprising 500,000 pages from hundreds of titles published in China between 1912 and 1949, is hosted on East View’s GPA platform with robust search functionality for multi-language content.

Future collections prioritized by the CRL community for the Global Press Archive include publications from the Middle East and Latin America, and other thematic groupings. The Global Press Archive Alliance demonstrates how the collective influence of more than 200 academic and independent library members of CRL can leverage an opportunity to create wide accessibility for world newspapers that would otherwise be unavailable to a global audience.

A note of thanks also goes to the librarians in the Humanities and Social Sciences library, who contributed information about current needs and interests in related departments, thereby helping us communicate our community’s priorities accurately to CRL.