[FYI] Research travel bursaries from The Literary Encyclopedia Scholarship Fund

Hi everyone, we subscribe to The Literary Encyclopedia, which offers scholarly encyclopedia entries on literary figures, works, and context (historical, cultural, etc.). It’s particularly valuable for its coverage of authors and works outside the conventional Anglo/Western canon. This encyclopedia offers travel bursaries to support emerging scholars’ archival research travel.

In 2020 the Literary Encyclopedia Scholarship Fund will award 3-4 travel bursaries worth between £500 and £750 each to assist emerging scholars in defraying the costs of archival research on a literary or related matter. (Conference attendance will not be covered.) The travel grant is offered to an early career researcher* or PhD student from an institution which subscribes to The Literary Encyclopedia.

*An early career researcher is an individual who is within eight years of the award of their PhD or within 6 years of their first academic appointment.

For more info, see here, and please feel free to share around campus: [link]