Hi everyone, JSTOR provides us newly-published ebooks from many university presses from around the world. The way it works is that nearly every week, JSTOR adds new books to their platform, with the catalogue records following within 7-10 days (at which time the UAL cataloguing team, aka the “bibebook” team, loads the records into our catalogue). This is a DDA (demand-driven acquisition) process, meaning that the book records are loaded into the catalogue, and then the final step, the purchase, is triggered when a book is used.
Please see this week’s list of books that are newly available via JSTOR, attached to this post. The thing to keep in mind is that JSTOR DDA is only one of the processes by which new books are added to the general collection. There are also university presses that aren’t represented in our JSTOR collection because we buy their books in other ways, such as Oxford UP, which we own via University Press Scholarship Online.
With questions or comments, please contact us at csu@ualberta.ca, as always!