New (to us) Routledge 2017 ebooks

Hi all, we now own Routledge ebooks from 2017, nearly 5,000 titles, on the Taylor & Francis platform. Since we’re in a time of budget reductions, I’ll clarify where these books came from. The publisher gave them to us — gratis. They are compensation, negotiated by the CSU team, incorporating evidence from cataloguing colleagues, as a remedy for serious, drawn-out problems with T&F’s platform and MARC records. The publisher has now resolved the problems. While these ebooks would probably never sell for full “list price,” Taylor & Francis considers their value to be $845,850.70 (USD).

Previously, we had all Routledge books going back as far as 2018. The list of ebook packages that we buy directly from publishers has been updated accordingly.
Thank you to the bibebook team for getting the records for these books into the catalogue so promptly!