New MLA Handbook (9e) en route

Those who follow developments in citation styles with keen interest will already know that the Modern Languages Association (MLA) has just released the 9th edition of its Handbook. In CSU we’re working on acquiring multiple print copies. These copies will be distributed the same way copies of the 8th are currently distributed (with one exception — copies of the new edition will not be located at RCRF).

The MLA does not presently offer an ebook version of the Handbook that we can collect. As you know, ebooks that are restricted to use with specific readers or apps (e.g. Kindle, Nook) are not compatible with our collection. If MLA becomes willing to offer the Handbook as an ebook to libraries, we will certainly hope to acquire it in this format.

Some of the new copies will be available as regular books that can be borrowed from the collection. It remains difficult (pandemic) to predict precisely how long it will take for copies to become available in the collection. With that in mind, we thank everyone who fields questions from staff and students about this new edition.