New Transformative Agreement with Cambridge University Press

As of January 1, 2022, all U of A corresponding authors who publish in Cambridge University Press journals can have their articles released in open access, with no author fees. Please consult the Library’s APC Discounts & Waivers page whenever you need details on such agreements. The Library does not keep a fund to pay for authors’ Article Processing Charges (APCs), but there are many discounts and waivers available from publishers.

Please see below, adapted from CRKN’s announcement of the new Cambridge agreement:

The Canadian Research Knowledge Network’s (CRKN) has negotiated a transformative read and publish agreement with Cambridge University Press (CUP).

Effective January 1, 2022, corresponding authors affiliated with CRKN member institutions participating in the agreement can publish an unlimited number of their articles as open access in CUP hybrid and gold journals at no charge to the author for the duration of the agreement. For more information, please visit this page on the CRKN website. To view the complete CRKN-Cambridge University Press license amendment, click here.

CRKN would like to thank the CSC Cambridge University Press Sub-group for their focused support during the negotiations for this license, as well as the entire Content Strategy Committee for their continued guidance. In addition, CRKN gratefully acknowledges the collaboration of the membership in CRKN licensing initiatives.