Access has been enabled for several new collections from ProQuest and Alexander Street. Please note that these are not new purchases, but rather additions related to a multi-year agreement with ProQuest that provides access to all primary source and archive collections on these platforms.
New to the Digital National Security Archive:
- Donald Rumsfeld Snowflakes, Part 1: The Pentagon and the U.S. Foreign Policy, 2001-2007
New to History Vault :
- new to the American Politics and Society collection:
–Temperance and Prohibition Movement, 1830-1933 - new to the Women’s Studies collection:
– Southern Women and their Families in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Holdings of the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (1671-1979)
New to the Regulatory Insight collection:
- Historic Rules and Guidance
The first collection in ProQuest’s new Trends and Policy series:
New on the Alexander Street Platform: