APC Discounts & Waivers

Questions from users about discounts on Article Processing Charges for Open Access publishing are becoming ever more frequent. Accordingly, we’ve created a new, separate page to which you can direct anyone with questions. It’s linked directly from the Open Access page:

And also linked under Research & Publishing Support on the Library Services page:

The list of publishers who provide APC discounts and waivers for UofA authors is growing all the time, and it is updated regularly by CSU. Along with the current publisher list, this new page provides the following information:

“The UofA Library does not provide funding in support of Article Processing Charges (APCs) to make research papers Open Access, nor do we purchase memberships to attain APC discounts.

Wherever possible, the Library negotiates license agreements with publishers that will provide UofA authors with discounts or waivers on APCs, as part of our ongoing subscriptions. The following list includes all of the publishers who currently provide these. In most cases, these discounts and waivers apply only if the corresponding author is affiliated with the University of Alberta”