New OA Global Press Archive collection: Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers

There’s a new, open access, Global Press Archive collection! It’s Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers. This collection has just launched with an initial 100,000 pages from 15 newspapers, from Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Morocco: browse by title here. Over the coming months, this collection will come to include more than 400,000 pages from numerous additional newspapers.

In the 2018/2019 fiscal year, the University of Alberta Library contributed financially to the Global Press Archive (GPA) Alliance, led by the Centre for Research Libraries, to support the digitization of distinctive newspaper collections, such as from Stanford University’s Hoover Institution Library and Archives.
Currently, the other open access Global Press Archive collection is Late Qing and Republican-Era Chinese Newspapers, with titles and coverage dates to be found here. This collection launched in Fall 2019 and currently comprises about 450,000 pages.

The next collections prioritized by the CRL community for the Global Press Archive are a collection of more contemporary Middle Eastern newspapers, followed by Latin American newspapers.
A note of thanks also goes to the librarians in the Humanities and Social Sciences library, who contributed information about current needs and interests in related departments, thereby helping us communicate our community’s priorities accurately to CRL.