Hi everyone, a quick note: have you taken a look at Cambridge Companions? We had a trial with Oxford’s Very Short Introductions collection last year, but unfortunately with the budget reduction, we can’t start up a subscription. However, because of the positive feedback we received during the VSI trial, I want to recommend Cambridge Companions as an alternative.
The Companions (720 titles at present) are “lively, accessible introductions” to a multitude of topics in Literature, Classics, Music, Philosophy, Religion and Culture. Here are just a few recent examples:
- Cambridge Companion to Boxing
- Cambridge Companion to Alfred Hitchcock
- Cambridge Companion to International Criminal Law
- Cambridge Companion to Music in Digital Culture
- Cambridge Companion to the Postcolonial Novel
- Cambridge Companion to Quakerism
Please enjoy and recommend! With questions, let us know at csu@ualberta.ca. Thanks!