Hello everyone, as you know, the Library collection includes two large subscription ebook packages: EBSCO Academic, and ProQuest Academic Complete. Books are added to these collections throughout the year (and their accompanying records to the catalogue), but removals happen only twice each year. This is an update on removals occurring in December 2019/early January 2020. You can see both removal title lists attached to this post. Please note that this message reports on routine collection maintenance (which is why it looks nearly identical to previous messages!). This maintenance is not related to the budget reduction due to the provincial cut. Your most recent update about the budget came December 17, from Trish Chatterley, to UALIB-L. ProQuest Academic Complete ProQuest is removing 574 ebooks from the ProQuest Academic Complete ebook subscription package. Usage data illustrate that 11.3% (n=65) of the titles slated for removal have seen use in the past 12 months. EBSCO Academic EBSCO is removing 1,949 ebooks from the EBSCO Academic ebook subscription package. Usage data illustrate that 12.5% (n=243) of the titles slated for removal have seen use in the past 12 months. In the CSU, we’ve taken steps to ensure that there’s no loss of access to the titles that have seen use. We already have some of these books on other platforms (e.g., Bloomsbury, Taylor & Francis, Knovel), and we’re working to enable access to the other titles. A few of the removed ebooks will now only be available in print, so we’ll ensure print copies are available. As always, your questions and input are welcome — contact csu@ualberta.ca. |