Diacritic Search Coming Soon to EBSCO Discovery Service and EBSCOhost

Beginning on and after October 1, 2018, searching with diacritics will be enabled for all flagship products, including EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS), EDS API and EBSCOhost®. With the release of this enhancement, a user will be able to use the appropriate diacritic mark for the specific words in their native language, allowing more precision in search results.

A diacritic is a mark that indicates pronunciation of a word. Sometimes a diacritic indicates a different word in the same language. Examples include:

  • Campaña (Spanish “campaign”) vs. Campana (Spanish “bell”)
  • Höra (Swedish “to listen”) vs. Hora (Spanish “hour”)

Visit our EBSCO Help to learn more about diacritic search.