ProQuest recently re-configured all of their Science & Technology databases. The bottom line is that we have considerably more content than we did before, but some of their smaller titles have been merged into larger ones and no longer exist as separate databases:
New database:
Agricultural & Environmental Science Database
includes the content from these databases:
AGRICOLA (we currently subscribe on the EBSCO platform – we’ll be cancelling that one)
Environment Abstracts (including EIS: Environmental Impact Statements)
Pollution Abstracts
Water Resources Abstracts
TOXLINE (new to UAL)
New database:
Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database
includes the content from these databases:
Meteorological & Geophysical Abstracts
Water Resources Abstracts (yes, it’s included in both new databases)
ASFA: Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts (new to UAL)
New sub-databases (also included in titles above):
ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts
Continuing databases:
AGRICOLA (we’ll switch from EBSCO to the ProQuest platform later in the year)
Meteorological & Geophysical Abstracts
Deleted Databases (ProQuest no longer provides access to these as separate titles):
Environment Abstracts (including EIS: Environmental Impact Statements)
Pollution Abstracts
Water Resources Abstracts