New Linguistics Database

We now have access enabled for the Enhanced Electronic Grammars (EEG) database. This is not a new subscription; we have gratis access to this database as a result of purchasing several Multilingual Matters ebooks in 2021. EEG features the grammars of multiple languages from around the world.

Open Access Primary Source Collections

Two of JSTOR’s Reveal Digital collections are now open access. American Prison Newspapers, 1800-2020: Voices from the Inside includes newspapers produced by those who have been incarcerated. Independent Voices includes alternative press publications produced by voices of feminists, campus radicals, Indigenous peoples, Black Power advocates, and more. Both collections have […]

New Law Database

HeinOnline has added a new database to our current subscription, at no additional cost. LGBTQ+ Rights charts the gay rights movement in the United States and includes subcollections covering topics such as marriage, employment discrimination, and AIDS and health care.