Database Name Changes
ProQuest has changed the names of two databases: Physical Education Index is now called Sports Medicine & Education Index. PILOTS (Published International Literature on Traumatic Stress) is now called PTSDpubs
ProQuest has changed the names of two databases: Physical Education Index is now called Sports Medicine & Education Index. PILOTS (Published International Literature on Traumatic Stress) is now called PTSDpubs
Web of Science has introduced new Author Search and Author Record functionality.
We have access to several new databases from ProQuest/Alexander Street Press, including primary source collections, and newspaper and magazine archives. Titles that are not linked have not been set up as individual database assets, but can be found under the collection-level links provided: ALEXANDER STREET COLLECTIONS Revolution and Protest Online Security […]
We now have access to the Security Studies collection from JSTOR: “Explore a wide range of journals, ebooks, and research reports in the field of security studies. This content looks at security studies through a broad lens, encompassing research on international security and peace and conflict studies from all corners of the […]
The Serials Team has been doing a lot of catalogue cleanup of late, and they discovered a few records for online resources that should actually be considered databases, and so those have been removed from the catalogue and set up as database assets: Bloomberg Businessweek Archive (EBSCO) […]