New Database

We now have access to a new collection in State Papers Online: Early Modern Government in Britain and Europe from Gale. Eighteenth Century, 1714-1782, Part 4: State Papers Foreign, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe and Turkey presents letters, memorials and treaties pertaining to Denmark, Sweden, Poland and Saxony, Prussia, Russia, Turkey and the Barbary States. […]

New Database Content

We have added the following subjects to the Oxford Bibliographies Online: African American Studies, African Studies, Art History, Atlantic History, Biblical Studies, Chinese Studies,Communication, Ecology, Jewish Studies, Latino Studies, Linguistics, Management Studies, Military History, Philosophy, Psychology, and Sociology. Please add to your LibGuides as appropriate.

New Database

We now have access to Service Newspapers of World War Two, Module I from Adam Matthew. This digital resource reveals the story of World War Two as told by the newspapers that brought information, entertainment and camaraderie to the forces at home and overseas. Explore over 200 titles from key nations across the […]

New Database Feature

The new Manuscript Matcher feature in EndNote allows researchers to enter the title, abstract, and references from their papers and match them against over 8K journals indexed in Web of Science and Journal Citation Reports to identify a list of appropriate titles for publication. This 3 minute video provides an overview of how this feature works. Manuscript Matcher is […]