New Database Content

We now have access to African Newspapers, Series 2 through the World Newspaper Archive. This new collection contains 340,000 pages of content from African newspapers published between 1835 and 1925. Titles from Algeria, Angola, Liberia, Madagascar, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa and Uganda offer deep and unique coverage of nearly a […]

New Database

MediaSmarts Web Awareness Workshop Series is a comprehensive suite of resources for teachers, students, law enforcement representatives and the general public, that explores issues relating to stereotyping, bias and hate in mainstream media and on the internet. The series, which includes professional development tutorials, lesson plans, interactive student modules and background […]

New Databases

Korean Studies information Service System (KISS) is a full-text database of Korean-language journals, including over 1.3 million articles from over 3,000 scholarly journals on a range of subjects including Humanities and Social Science, Engineering, Medicine and the Sciences.KSI eBooks is a multidisciplinary collection of over 5,000 full-text, Korean language ebooks from the […]

Database Help

Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters) has created a number of LibGuides for their products, including Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, EndNote, Incites, and Publons (an OA database for authors to track their peer review service). These guides include a lot of really useful information about searching and content. They also provide links to many video tutorials, including […]

New Databases

As a follow-up to last week’s e-mail, we’ve recently acquired access to over 150 new primary source collections from ProQuest / Chadwyck-Healy. Some of the smaller individual collections have been merged into single, comprehensive LibGuides assets, but in this list we’ve provided the titles of those individual collections so that you have a […]