Database Name Change
The database Global Financial Data has been renamed Finaeon.
The database Global Financial Data has been renamed Finaeon.
In the very near future, we’ll be adding SciFree to our library website. SciFree is a search tool that makes it simpler to figure out whether a journal is covered by one of our publisher agreements providing APC-free publishing or discounting. About twenty Canadian academic libraries are currently using SciFree […]
Taylor & Francis has launched a new eReader with the following enhancements: The new eReader is now live; the older versions of the eReader will be retired on February 16, 2025. Registered users will receive an email in the coming weeks with instructions on any action they need to take. […]
Our Library has supported MIT Press’s Direct to Open (D2O) initiative through the collections budget since 2021, via CRKN. D2O is MIT’s initiative to release all its scholarly books freely and openly online each year. Today the Press has announced that it’s reached its 2025 funding goal, meaning that 80 […]
In January, some U of A authors have reported not being offered the APC-free Open Access option within Wiley’s author workflow. In other words, when an author reaches the point of choosing Open Access in Wiley’s production system, the no-cost option they’re entitled to has not been offered. As of […]