Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communication in Preschool Children

Submission 2024

Illustration of a complex network with interconnected nodes of various colors linked by dotted lines on a light background.
Submitted by:Samina Sana
Department:Communication Sciences and Disorders
Faculty:Rehabilitative Medicine

This visual art is self-explanatory. The soft background and colours in this artwork represents kind-hearted and mindful social communication between neurodiverse preschoolers. The title of this art “culturally and linguistically diverse links in preschool children” explains the preliminary brainstorming stages of my PhD research in Rehabilitation Science, Rehabilitation Medicine with the Multilingual Families Lab.

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How was your image created?
By hand, on rough art paper with special edition kindness-themed crayola crayons and a tombow calligraphy pen. One warm digital filter was placed on the image when it was scanned/photographed and transferred into .jpeg format for digital viewing.