New! Audiobooks from O’Reilly

As you may know, as a *general rule*, our Library does not collect audiobooks. There are a few reasons for this, including the fact that many in-demand audiobook collections (e.g., are available for individuals, but not for libraries.

However, one of our big ebook collections, O’Reilly Ebooks (formerly called Safari Books) recently began adding audiobooks. As this is a subscription collection, we don’t control the contents, and the addition of these audiobooks was unexpected. But because the audiobooks have high-quality records suitable for our catalogue, and because O’Reilly’s books are generally popular and topical, the CatMet and CSU teams decided they should be catalogued.

There are currently about 1,700 audiobooks in O’Reilly, although we may not have received catalogue records for all of them yet. You can browse them all by going into O’Reilly, clicking Explore from the left-side menu, then clicking All Topics, then using the drop-down format menu to limit to audiobooks.