Events for 10 Days That Shaped Modern Canada

People living in Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal have the opportunity to come out and experience a vibrant and lively evening talking about Canada’s recent history with Aaron W. Hughes, author of 10 Days That Shaped Modern Canada.

Edmonton (October 14) with Senator Paula Simons, Edmonton Public Library. Part of LitFest with Glass Bookshop.

Calgary (October 17) with Judy Aldous, Memorial Park Library. With Shelf Life Books.

Toronto (October 19) with Vinita Srivastava. With Flying Books. 

Montreal (November 3) with Ian McGillis. With Librairie Saint-Henri Books.

Ottawa (November 7) with Isabel Metcalfe. With Perfect Books.

About the Book
Revisiting ten notable days from recent history, Aaron W. Hughes invites readers to think about the tensions, events, and personalities that make Canada distinct. These indelible dates interweave to offer an account of the political, social, cultural, and demographic forces that have shaped the modern nation. Each day represents a window on contemporary Canada, jumpstarting reflection and conversation about who we are as a nation and how we got here.