It is that time of the year. There is snow on the ground, fairy lights glow in the cold dark, and our holiday sale has arrived! We are ready to put a copy of one of our fascinating titles in the hands of every book lover trying to keep warm out there.
Welcome to the third edition of the UAlberta Press’s holiday sale. Once again, we are offering friends, fans, and first-time customers a 30% discount on all our print titles. From our cart, simply use the code iH22.
Books are beautiful and timeless gifts, and we can highly recommend new titles like 10 Days That Shaped Modern Canada, We Have Never Lived on Earth, and Blue Portugal and Other Essays. Then, other recent publications, including Vivek Shraya’s Next Time There’s a Pandemic and Amy Kaler’s Until Further Notice, are ideal for those wishing to reflect upon the challenges that have come our way in recent times. For the scholars out there, we have new books in all manner of subjects, including education (Troubling Truth and Reconciliation in Canadian Education), human rights (Rights and the City), and sport (Overcoming the Neutral Zone Trap).
Don’t let this chance slip. Our holiday sale only runs until December 15, so hurry up, take advantage of this amazing offer, and enjoy a holiday season full of love, peace, and great reads!
With warm wishes for the holiday,
Doug, Cathie, Alan, Duncan, Elisia, Mat, Michelle, Alex, and Olajide