Author: Cathie Crooks

Alberta Book Day 2019

It was another powerful day of conversations about book publishing in the province on Alberta Book Day in the concourse of the Federal Building. Honourable Leela Aheer, Minister of Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women joined the celebration. In her speech she underscored how the book publishing industry has a significant economic impact, creating jobs […]

Looking for Poetry Manuscripts: Submit Now

University of Alberta Press is accepting poetry manuscripts between September 1 and October 31 this year. At the end of the submission period, the Press will select up to three manuscripts for publication in 2021 in the Robert Kroetsch Series of Canadian creative writing.  To submit a poetry manuscript, click here. Why do we have a […]

Literary Cocktails 2019

University of Alberta Press celebrated both poetry and our 50 years in publishing on April 25 with three remarkable readers: Apostrophes VIII: Nothing Is But You and I by E.D. Blodgett (read by Astrid Blodgett) There Are Not Enough Sad Songs by Marita Dachsel Magnetic North: Sea Voyage to Svalbard by Jenna Butler Our Chief […]

University of Alberta Press Turns 50: Hires New Acquisitions Editor

University of Alberta Press, established in 1969, has an ambitious development plan under Director and Publisher Douglas Hildebrand. A key step is the creation of a second Acquisitions Editor position, with Mat Buntin starting in that role on April 1, 2019. “Mat will be responsible for increasing our annual scholarly title output, especially in the […]

“Sam Steele: A Biography” launch

What a stellar evening! I was delighted to see such a large audience; more than 100 people in attendance. I believe there were over 100 people there, which is a rare thing for a book launch. Rod’s work on Sam Steele drew people from many different communities. Some of the highlights for me included greeting […]

Book Publishers’ Conference and Awards 2018

Held at the Hotel Arts in Calgary, this year’s annual conference had a lot to offer. The highlight was Minister of Culture and Tourism Ricardo Miranda’s announcement of new funding for the publishing industry: $300,000 for each of the next four years. This will be a lifesaver for some smaller publishers, while enabling established ones […]

Congress 2018 in Regina

This was the first time that the University of Regina hosted the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. The university, city, and province did a wonderful job of putting on the conference, right down to offering free city bus service to delegates. Highlights, beyond the bookfair of course, included: The theme: Gathering Diversities. An […]

The Writing Stick: Sharing Indigenous Stories – Recap

The organizers of The Writing Stick: Sharing Indigenous Stories welcomed over 200 people to participate in a conference dedicated to conversations about respectful ways to publish Indigenous stories. The conference took place at the University of Alberta from June 8 to 10, 2017. Organizer Linda Cameron noted, “With cultural appropriation in the news once again, […]