Author: Cathie Crooks

Honouring Arthur Kroeger

Arthur Kroeger was a remarkable person who was integral in improving much of Canada’s social fabric. We were delighted to be able to launch his posthumous book, Retiring the Crow Rate: A Narrative of Political Management, at Carleton University during the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences in May 2009. It made perfect sense, […]

Darryl Raymaker Launches Trudeau’s Tango in Calgary

June 14, 2017 was an auspicious day for Darryl Raymaker’s launch of Trudeau’s Tango: Alberta Meets Pierre Elliott Trudeau, 1968–1972. The sun shone as some 200 guests shared a celebratory evening at The Ranchmen’s Club. The room was full and Darryl was in fine form, with daughter Nicole and son Derek there to help mark his […]

We Miss You Fiercely: Robert Kroetsch

Rudy Wiebe called us with terrible news this morning: Robert Kroetsch was killed in a car accident on his way home from a literary festival. ***************** Robert has had an amazing year, replete with readings and awards, including the Lieutenant Governor’s Alberta Distinguished Artist award and the WGA Golden Pen Award (just two weeks ago). […]

Rudy Wiebe Launch

The Old Timer’s Cabin was filled with friends and fans who came out to celebrate the arrival of Rudy Wiebe’s collected short stories with the man himself. Gail Greenwood did a fantastic job organizing the launch and was there with a wide selection of Rudy’s books. Myrna Kostash, whose launch of Prodigal Daughter is tonight, […]